Beware of Tax Refund mails!

If you receive an e-mail with subjects like “Tax Refund” or “Seeking Refunds” from some unidentified sender claiming to be from Income Tax Department, beware, it is a phishing scam!

Demystifying LTA exemption

Demystifying LTA exemption 1

Claiming Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) benefit has always been a puzzle for many. Some of us even settle to pay additional tax instead of claiming the Income Tax benefit associated with LTA. Here is your primer to know all about LTA exemption.

You need to keep your tax records for 10 years!

You need to keep your tax records for 10 years! 4

The information age has not done away with the need to keep your paperwork handy. It has only felicitated mode of storage! Much of the paperwork is connected to your income tax returns filing. For you, that means you need to be more organized with paperwork and keep them handy in physical or electronic format.

Computing capital gains tax demystified

Computing capital gains tax demystified 9

Investors are often bewildered by computation of Capital Gains Tax. Whether you invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or any other financial instrument, you need to know the impact of the capital gains tax on your return. In this article we try to demystify Capital Gains specially for investments in equities.