Beware of Tax Refund mails!

Beware of Tax Refund mails! 1

In one of our earlier article, Personal Money, explained the Phishing modus operandi. Another phishing scam has surfaced which claims to be from the Income Tax Department and promises to process your refund within 24 hours of filling a form.

We all have been warned against giving out sensitive personal information such as credit card numbers, PAN card details and other confidential data via the internet. But, when you get a mail from someone who claimed to be from the Income Tax Department, even suspicious people may be inclined to comply.

In the past few days, tax payers have received emails with subjects like “tax refund” and “seeking refunds” from unauthorized senders. These mails ask you to provide them with confidential information such as details of your income, PAN card and credit card numbers and other financial details.

Beware of Tax Refund mails! 2

In a press release dated as back as 6th October, 2009, Income Tax Department clarified that it does not send e-mails regarding refunds and does not seek any information regarding credit cards of taxpayers. Department also cautioned taxpayers that they should not respond to such mails and if they do so it would be at their risk and responsibility. It has advised taxpayersto avoid opening, complying or replying to such emails.

The Income Tax Department assures that neither its website nor its intranet data has been hacked or compromised. Still, such emails are being circulated even today.

How to avoid the scam

  • Do not download any attachment you are not absolutely sure of.
  • Do not reply to such emails
  • Never give out any financial details
  • Identify these emails as spam in your inbox so that the next mail that you receive from the same sender, will be sent directly to the trash or junk folder.

6 thoughts on “Beware of Tax Refund mails!”

  1. When I receive suspicious email like that tax refund, I always do the Google search to see others who have already experience such spam. Thanks for the information. People who will not take a due care will likely fall from their traps. And oh yeah it's taxation time again.

    • Thanks Victorino for sharing this! Yes it always help to find out if the email is from authentic source before clicking on the link or taking any action as specified in the email.

  2. This one is very informative article and also should be taken as an advice and one should always keep this in mind. Also, if you have received such mail(income tax refund/return…claiming to be from government/department), always check the credentials of the mail. Whether it is having a secured link or not like https://

    One can check his/her tax refund status at…. and can get confirmed whether the department has issued the refund or not and how.

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