Do your Tax Planning early and relax

Do your Tax Planning early and relax 1

The new financial year has began. Few weeks back many of us were scrambling to make last minute tax saving investment. This year save yourself from making impulsive tax saving decisions, plan ahead and relax. Here is what you should do for your Tax Planning for FY 2010-2011.

Demystifying LTA exemption

Demystifying LTA exemption 2

Claiming Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) benefit has always been a puzzle for many. Some of us even settle to pay additional tax instead of claiming the Income Tax benefit associated with LTA. Here is your primer to know all about LTA exemption.

Tax Planning with Section 80C

Tax Planning with Section 80C 10

Tax planning entails making investments and contributions that help minimize the tax liability. Traditionally, most of us invest only instruments that provide tax saving benefit as aversion for taxes ranks as one of the most universal emotions. But, does this fit well with our overall financial planning goals?