5 investment myths to avoid

5 investment myths to avoid 1

Our Instincts play a big role in our investment decisions. Often, these instincts are based on our perceptions rather than on information available to us. Today, we have far greater access to information through print, television and internet media, yet our minds are trapped in age old investment myths.

Identify the best investment that suits your needs

Identify the best investment that suits your needs 2

Many of us wish to increase our wealth exponentially and secure our financial position. We seek investments which has no risk and makes a lot of money for us. The challenge however, is to find such an investment avenue.

How to make money from Mutual Funds?

How to make money from Mutual Funds? 7

You may take a lot of care deciding what to invest in and when to do so. Most people, however, are clueless on when to get out. Many investors worry only about investing their hard earned money. What they ignore in this entire process is a second issue that plays a very important role.