How preparing a personal budget helps you save more

How preparing a personal budget helps you save more 1

The biggest challenge many of us face about investments is finding enough surplus funds. Most of the time we are engrossed in balancing our income and expenses. Drawing up a personal budget allows you to take control of your spending and find enough money to save and invest for vacations, retirement and your children’s education.

How to make money from Mutual Funds?

How to make money from Mutual Funds? 2

You may take a lot of care deciding what to invest in and when to do so. Most people, however, are clueless on when to get out. Many investors worry only about investing their hard earned money. What they ignore in this entire process is a second issue that plays a very important role.

Systematic Investment Plans means Smart Investing

Systematic Investment Plans means Smart Investing 5

Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) in Mutual Funds are gaining popularity with investors. Unlike some investors who like to park their money as a lumpsum into a Mutual fund Scheme and forget about it, investors going in for SIP have an edge. SIP offers investors choice to invest a fixed sum, as low as Rs.500 at regular intervals.