Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds

Since their creation, mutual funds have been a popular investment vehicle for investors. Their simplicity along with other attributes provide great benefit to investors with limited knowledge, time or money. To help you decide whether mutual funds are best for you and your situation, we are going to look at some reasons why you might want to consider investing in mutual funds.

April 1st, All fools day or Smart investor day?

April 1st marks the beginning of the new financial year. The ‘infamous’ day is also the one when we ought to set clear financial plans for the next one year. We can, of course, choose to celebrate April 1 as “All Fools Day” if we continue to commit the same mistakes that we did in previous years. Instead, we should convert it to a “Smart Investor’s Day” by learning from our financial mistakes. Given below are my confessions as well as resolutions for the new financial year as a retail investor.

Understanding your risk tolerance

Understanding your risk tolerance 3

Risk tolerance is the degree of uncertainty that you can handle in regard to a negative change in the value of your portfolio. While investing you may often have to do a risk-return tradeoff, the principle that potential return rises with an increase in risk. With so many different types of investments to choose from, how do you determine how much risk you can handle?

Investment asset classes explained

Investment asset classes explained 6

When we talk to any investment advisor, terms like “asset class”, “asset allocation”, “diversification”, etc keep cropping up. It is very important for a lay investor to understand these terms to make an informed decision. In this article we will discuss the basics of Asset class.

Is it the right time to enter Stock Market?

Is it the right time to enter Stock Market? 7

You would have heard of the stock market, and more recently for all the wrong reasons. Indian Markets have plummeted over 70% from its top in last one year. Experts still feel that there is some downside left in the short term. So the question is should you invest in equities now, or hold on?

Impact of global financial meltdown on us

Impact of global financial meltdown on us 8

Greed & Fear have been and would be the two indisputable factors that would drive the markets. Factors that led to this global meltdown are linked to subprime lending losses in US (3 trillion dollars and counting according to some estimates).