Understanding Investment Risk
What is the basic reason that one investment will pay a greater return than another? Well, there could be many reasons, but believe it or not, the greatest overall determining factor is that of Risk!
What is the basic reason that one investment will pay a greater return than another? Well, there could be many reasons, but believe it or not, the greatest overall determining factor is that of Risk!
Return and Risk are the two most important features of any investment product that are considered in almost all investment related activities viz., stock or portfolio selection, asset allocation, restructuring and performance evaluation.
Your home loan may become cheaper soon. However, if you feel that the rate of interest offered by lenders on new home loans are much lower than that of your loan, you may consider refinancing your home loan.
Your existing retirement benefit plans would vary from person to person depending upon the kind of employment, saving patterns followed, etc. Before going in for a comprehensive retirement plan, it is necessary that you asses the existing retirement benefit plans and build your retirement plan around them so as to meet the required additional needs.
Retirement planning is a multidimensional field. Many of us approach retirement planning from only an investment point of view. This perspective is too limited for dealing with the diversified needs that we may have from our retirement plan.
Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) in Mutual Funds are gaining popularity with investors. Unlike some investors who like to park their money as a lumpsum into a Mutual fund Scheme and forget about it, investors going in for SIP have an edge. SIP offers investors choice to invest a fixed sum, as low as Rs.500 at regular intervals.
Phishing Scams have become so common now a days that many of us simply ignore them, however, some who are not aware about phishing fall prey. You think you are protected, but are you really?
Most people believe that past returns are the most important criterion while choosing a mutual fund. That is not strictly true. Those who have seen heavy market downturns will be able to tell you that fund portfolio liquidity is an equally important factor to be kept in mind.
Owning a home is perhaps the biggest and most important dream of an average Indian family. Due to its inherent socio-economic nature, ownership of a home goes beyond pure financial considerations. Renting a house on the other hand is acceptable for the sake of convenience and financial constraints. So, how do you decide whether to buy or rent your home?
Credit rating is the statistical system used by lenders to determine your creditworthiness. Before extending any loan or credit to you, lenders check things like how much money you earn, how long you’ve been using credit and whether you’ve made payments on time.