How preparing a personal budget helps you save more

How preparing a personal budget helps you save more 1

The biggest challenge many of us face about investments is finding enough surplus funds. Most of the time we are engrossed in balancing our income and expenses. Drawing up a personal budget allows you to take control of your spending and find enough money to save and invest for vacations, retirement and your children’s education.

Financial Literacy should be made mandatory

Financial Literacy should be made mandatory 3

Financial literacy means knowing the basic survival principles involved with earning, spending, saving and investing. Earlier, our parents use to save more and spend less, today, young adults wants to earn more to be able to spend more, without bothering to save or invest.

Assessing your Retirement benefit plans

Assessing your Retirement benefit plans 4

Your existing retirement benefit plans would vary from person to person depending upon the kind of employment, saving patterns followed, etc. Before going in for a comprehensive retirement plan, it is necessary that you asses the existing retirement benefit plans and build your retirement plan around them so as to meet the required additional needs.

April 1st, All fools day or Smart investor day?

April 1st marks the beginning of the new financial year. The ‘infamous’ day is also the one when we ought to set clear financial plans for the next one year. We can, of course, choose to celebrate April 1 as “All Fools Day” if we continue to commit the same mistakes that we did in previous years. Instead, we should convert it to a “Smart Investor’s Day” by learning from our financial mistakes. Given below are my confessions as well as resolutions for the new financial year as a retail investor.